
I know of several methods and have read the word of Stephen LeBerge.
There is the method of reveiwing your dreams for objects that frequently appear and deciding that the next time you see the object you will be dreaming.

There are several others. I found a lot of success with meditating for an hour early morning and then letting myself drop off to sleep. This produced most of my lucid dreams.

The method though that we have discussed here i think is brilliant- although I think it would be more useful to actually count through the day how many times you have asked yourself if you are dreaming to make yourself do it more often.

It is like meditating- you drift offf into real life or daydreaming and forget about the idea so any means to bring yourself back to the all important question the better.

Since I have been image streaming I find that my dreams are becoming 100% sharper in quality.

Best regards,