If you only need 75% to pass obviously you don't need to know everything in the book.

The best way to know the information in a book is build it in layers. Mind map after each activation pass.

That means start studying well before the exam. Since the memory likes to build information in small chunks not large ones. So one bite at at time.

Mind maps serve as review material in the 4 weeks or so before the exam date.

The problem isn't that you don't know the book it's your ability to access your memory of the information. To remember you need to keep travelling the neural path of that memory frequently. So after each study session you must review what you just learned. Review again before the next study session. Review should take place once daily for a week for new material. After a week once a week is enough, then once a month for about 6 months. That's why mind maps are preferred there is no way you can review linear notes as fast as a mind map.

The other way to have sound knowledge of the information is to use it daily.

So Superread And Dip to build your mind map. Do more passes not less.
