Seeing the blip page is not necessary to being able to photoread. One thing that I have constantly suggested to others with the same problem is to look an 1/2 inch to 1 inch above and beyond the top of the book at a specific spot or thing off into the distance. You will still have both pages of the book in your peripheral and the blip will be there. I prefer photoreading this way instead of looking into the center crease of the book. Also this way help when I'm turning pages and chanting and when I miss pages. When I was staring into the crease and I miss pages, that would throw my chant off, then I would stumble with the page turning. Why? because I was looking into the crease and then frustration and tension. By looking over the top of the book for me, this doesn't happen anymore. I'm more relaxed and I turn pages faster because I am not actual looking at the book and it doesn't bother me. Try it! I hope that you find success.