I've been doing SFQ for about two months. To call me a novice would be too kind. I've reported to you the anger issues and have appreciated your collective assistance in giving me insights in working through this issue.
I practice on a regular basis, both Active and SU/SC and have had some startling results with various sound sensitivities. I'm an old rocker from way back and have used music as a driving force throughout my life. My musical collection is extensive. I run the gammit from rock through blues, classical through industrial, and so on. Two things have happened since committing to SFQ.

1. I have NOT been able to listen to anything loud, pulsating, or driving. CD's that once moved my soul, literally, are nolonger part of my being. I don't know if its the words; words create images, baggage and history, or if its the vibration. Sounds that once were enchanting are now lying idle. Music that had purpose and meaning in my life now irrate me. Quiet is better, the focus of the moment, has depth, reality, breath. I put on a James Taylor Concert the other day (first time in six weeks) and turned it off. How much more relaxing can sweet baby james be? I felt like I had missed the point, like it was another life or something.

2. What's with all the sounds? I know Level 1 talks about the unknown sounds that may happen, but this is incredible at times. Besides sensitivites, I'm hearing extremely low frequencies, some muted and remote. I feel like I hear sounds before they happen. Sometimes, I'll think I'm hearing a train and it's not there, but 5 minutes later it's there in reality. There are numerous examples like this. The wind and rain have taken on a new dimension and a general awareness of life-sounds are incredibly joyful. Energy work and spiritual work are not new to me, yet with SFQ driving the engine---they are! Wow, I hope I don't sound like a gettie little kid, but most of the time these days...I do!

You loving feedback is graciously appreciated.
