
I can attest that that what happened on page 39, where the computer programer relaxed, read the manual, and fixed the problem
does work.

This has happened so many times for me, I can not explain.
For example, I keep a book at my office called the SEDONA METHOD.
I was struggling with deadlines at work and I had photoread the book
per recommendation of a friend, but had yet to superread and dip.
Out of desperation, I went into ALS (Accelerarted Learning State) and just felt the urge to turn to a page. I looked right at a paragraph, on the page I turned to that said , in summary ---, relax and take your time
and the job will get done. It was what I needed.

This is just the most recent example of how that works for me. I DID
NOT DO THE WHOLE MIND SYSTEM. When I do the WHOLE MIND SYSTEM on a book, I usually kind of know where to turn to in the book for an answer and do not need to attempt any spooky activations. You will have a very solid grasp of the book, when you use the WHOLE MIND SYSTEM, but you can also do spooky activation, like the programmer on page 39, when you only do an initial PR. The problem with doing only an initial PR, I find, is that I must totally relax, use the tangerine technique diligently, and have a clear purpose on what I want to find.