Paraliminals only open the doors to what you are internally capable of. As you know it takes 21 days to create a new habit and you have to use it or lose it.

The results of Paraliminals are not temporary as they might seem. What has happened is you've reached a plateau in your comfort zone and are noticing the new boundaries. Yes it requires you to be an observer in your life.

In my experience a couple of listening to Paraliminals a push out of my current comfort zone and a new zone is created. I feel good for a while at my new found comfort at handling something I used to find confronting. Then something happens that helps me to see that I can expand my comfort zone even further. It looks like the same problem resurfacing however I know from experience I handle it better and yet I feel I could have done better still. No I didn't go backward I just notice one size does not always fit all even in my improved approach to handling it.

Like Paul Scheele says about Natural Brilliance it's a continuous balancing act.

I think at this point most people consider the problem solved when they saw a major success and then return to the routines of their lives. However some people are looking for more and continue to notice that some habits keep them in a rut. These people are involved with the self improvement industry. Personal quest or as guides as yourself.

To clarify. I have two brothers and my parents. Their wives and kids. None of whom see much sense in what I do. They see the results but don't see any point in it for them. They are happy to go to work pay the mortgage raise the kids, create crafty things and that adds value to their lives. They have areas where they could be more effective with the use of Paraliminals. Quit smoking perhaps or improving relationship. It's not important to them.

I think our place is to quit saying there is something wrong with you you need fixing and your behaviour needs changing and learn a level of acceptance for what is. Only when we can accept what is a part of our experience, can we own it. Only when we own it can we decide to so something with it. That is our own part and our own responsibility in the success of any therapy, Paraliminals and courses of study we undertake.

When we succeed we usually don't know why but my observation is we owned the problem. Took responsibility and took a course of action that presented a probable solution. When we fail we often fix the blame outside ourself. Family, environment, timing, it don't work for me. when it might be more true that at some level we don't want what we think we want because at that level we know there is a price to pay..

One thing psychology courses and structures cannot measure is the humans discovery that there is a price they have to pay for the "improvement" in that area and it's much saver to go back to the old patterns. It's not wrong and it's not failure. The fact is we are human and each uniquely different. So nothing works until the individual lets it work. Convince enough people that CBT works better than NLP then research is going to find exactly that. (Paraliminals are not only NLP based check the articles on the Paraliminal page )

Nothing really works better than Learning though. Any way shape or form our experiences are opportunities to learn. And you cannot take the individual out of any experiment. Their enthusiasm, attitude and willingness to be part of the experiment affect the result of any test.
