I wasn't really talking pro NLP Or CBT or anything for that matter. I was pointing out that as soon as you involve a person in a study the study becomes flawed.

Belief creates behaviour, behaviour creates a belief. It's the same as asking asking whether it was the egg or the chicken that came first. I don't think you can separate the two. Changing the comfort zone is doing what you wouldn't normally do because you believed that you, because you haven't already learned what to do, or because you haven't reached the level of physical development before expanding your comfort zone.

Unfortunately psychologist try to separate the elements like scientistt to work out the optimal mix. We can talk about changing belief, or behaviour Yet they are also influenced by environment, experience and thinking. Moving beyond the the current comfort zone takes both and more.

There is no one formula. That's why Paraliminals are different. They are not one set of instructions that tell you how to behave. They are invitations to you to explore and pull up what it is you want and can do. To discover how to expand your comfort zones by exploring the actions you can take and beliefs that you can adopt to help you on your journey. The important element in their success is the individuals purpose for listening. They bring into what allows the Paraliminal to add energy to skills, resources, beliefs and habits you already have but are not using to move beyond your current comfort zone.
