well, the reason i only touched on MY results is that they are only one person's. one out of thousands. i wouldnt buy a product on one person's testimonial, i would rather see the average success rate, or a more representative collection of results.

i cant offer that, but i think the sedona method website has some pretty impressive statistics and a hell of a lot of testimonials.

my results: well, i found it very helpful for day-to-day life and releasing all the emotions which ****ed me off. however, on the really deep rooted stuff, i switched to EFT because it worked quicker and more powerfully.

so they're MY results.
i guess i just dont want to put you off trying the sedona method because i didnt get the massive success i had hoped for. this isnt because i want you to buy my set, in fact, i already told you you should buy it retail instead so you can get a money back guarantee. the fact is, my results arent representative of all the people who buy the set. just listen to some of the people here rave about it. look at the website. i can tell you some amazing success stories i saw on the sedona course. fact is, from my experience, i can tell you that not getting really fantastic results puts me in the minority. my results arent representative, and arent a fair judge of your potential results.

what i'm saying is... try it for yourself, you could well get some fantastic results.
but you'll never know until you try. and with a money back guarantee, i guess you cant lose really.

anyway, good luck on whatever you choose.