hmmm yeees interesting. I'm inclined to give my €0.02 here.
I loved the sedona method course. I think they're a tad too heavy on the marketing thing, but that might be my impression as a foreigner
I must admit I didn't get all those wonderful results they promised and I promised myself; for example, when I'm really angy, I might not WANT to release. I'd be sitting there brooding, and tell myself 'hey, just release and everything will be better' and I'd shoot back 'not now, dumbass, I'm enjoying being angry too much right now!' .. or something like that.
However, what I most like about the sedona method is how it helps me when I want to concentrate, photoread, where I don't want THINK! I don't have to ask myself the questions anymore, I just let the emotional energy escape, and the beautiful thing about that is that I can just release in a continuous stream. I continually 'release' (I'm usually imagining it as emotional/thought energy flowing out of the top of my head), and whenever a thought comes up, I release it and what remains is a beautiful void and silence. That'S what I love about it!
One other experience I've made is, I sometimes try to heal some past 'conditioning' by doing a "subconscious release stream"; I have no idea if it works, but I tell my subcoscious: "For the next 30 seconds (or the whole night before going to sleep), you are going to find some emotionally charged past incidents and release automatically on each one of them. I close my eyes and my eyes usually go pretty heavy on the REM, and I feel a stream of releasing going on. All the while, I'm not thinking at all, I see no pictures or anything, it's just that my eyes move rapidly and I feel this releasing going on.
The first time I did this (I think I wanted it to go on while I was sleeping), the next day I was REALLY HAPPY. And that's a rare occasion for me. I looked out the window and had the sense that I could accomplish EVERYTHING I WANTED TO. Oh man .. I'e got to do more of this!

I see EFT as a valuable healing tool, but in my oponion, it takes too much time and work toheal and emotion. okayokay I've never really USED it before, but I just can't do 5 minutes of tapping and singing and counting to release on one problem ... I don't have the patience for that. Might be a problem with resistance.