Hi Faune,
I know this may sound weird but I have read a lot of posts on this forum over the last year and was almost hoping on some level that YOU would reply as I rememebr you saying that at the start of SFQ you couldn't even stand and you seem to have so many useful insights and experience with all of this on your incredible journey and you're a UK member as well!!!

So thank you so much for answering my call and providing me with so much helpful advice on a lot of levels. I shall continue doing the exercises seated using the breathing to a much higher level and see how I go from there. I have tried EFT in the past and was completely pain free for 24 wonderous hours afterwards but it has never had the same effect on me since - I have downloaded their booklet and will read with interest. Time to give it another go as well.

The walk to work this morning was horrendous with a high level of pain in the knees and pain with added sharp bursts now and then and I often found myself looking skyward and half laughing as to what my health has become. Hopefully this is the bottom of the barrel and I can now start to climb out to eventually be where you are.

Thank you once again - very much appreciated,