Hey Rickdb,

I think Photoread4me was trying his best to be helpful. It's just that we get a lot of hecklers in this forum that try to bash the whole PR concept and have a negative attitude from the start, which ultimately dooms them to fail.

I would agree that LSC's advertising claims for PR is a bit on the sensational side, and that seems to appeal to the mentaility of a certain proportion of the population. (Consider some of LSC's other products ... talk about requiring a healthy dose of skepticism!) I've been a long-time customer of LSC, and I've returned my share of their products. I've kept PR, though, because it does seem unique in many respects. Yes, on the surface, PR teaches you what any good reading improvement course would. But it did teach me something about the "other-than-conscious" and its importance in reading which is unique to the product.

Once I got past all the advertising hype, I could appreciate the more subtle message of PR, and overall, it has greatly augmented to my attitude toward reading and my ability to read. Sometimes, benefits go beyond a words-per-minute boost, but come by way of subtle shifts in awareness and appreciation of one's self and abilities. Indeed, the latter may be much more difficult to learn, and it took a course like PR and a company like LSC for me to learn that about myself.

Well, I'm not sure whether that helps or hurts, but either way, I wish you the best in your continued journey of discovery.