I enjoyed reading your post! Progress and perserverance usually go hand in hand and are always nice to read!

The affirmations/statements that you wrote regarding your challenges? Use those on SIDE A of the Belief tape. Use Side B for the purely 100% positive statements. Those positive affirmations were pretty well worded I think! Stick with it and build your belief system the way YOU want it, belief by belief!
The chapter on beliefs in Awaken the Giant Within was worth the price of the book itself I thought (well, I'm also pretty partial to the chapters on questions and decisions too;0)). Anyways, Tony has some really cutting edge stuff on beliefs (different kinds, how build them and how to tear them down in order to replace) that is fascinating. I think the Belief cd is among the most versatile and valuable of all the Paraliminals Learning Strategies has to offer because EVERYTHING we do has a belief behind it of some kind. In countless self-help books, we read 'Change your thinking,change your life' or 'What you think about, you become'. Clearly, the authors are referring to beliefs because a mere thought or idea by itself is not going to change anything. However, a thought DWELLED upon becomes a belief and a belief has command power over our behaviors and THAT is destiny changing!
Tony says that the questions we ask ourselves are extremely important in our lives (for good or bad) but he also says that beliefs determine what questions we are WILLING to ask ourselves! Very interesting stuff!
Keep up the great work!--- Mike