To say that Higher Balance is the best is only really saying that you have not yet met anything better. It does not indicate in any way an absolute truth.

From my own experience which is relative to other teachers that I have met, Higher Balance and Eric Pepin's teachings are average. This may upset some followers of Eric's but I'm not saying this because I want to put him down, I'm just giving my own view of experiences compared to experiences I've had with others.

It's like saying that an adult human can walk faster than a baby. It does not put down the baby at all, it is just a comparison of ability.

Now if that baby was able to walk before other babies then other babies may well be very impressed with that one's skills. Perhaps it could even do a hop skip and jump.
Now if that baby taught those other babies how to walk and how to do some tricks the other babies may not have met anything like this in their lives and be flabbergasted. They may even think that this baby was the next messiah.

So many Higher Balance followers that I have met desperately want Eric Pepin to be the next messiah. A few have reacted quite violently when I said I didn't think he was. I don't think that the man is ungifted but this does not seem to be enough. Many followers want us to fervantly believe that he is the most gifted on earth. This is hardly the first time that this type of consciousness has been perpetuated on this planet. I've been to Siddha Yoga retreats where specific "masters" could raise the vibrations of a room to levels of ecstatic bliss that I had previously thought impossible, only to find out later that these same "masters" had perpetuated sexual abuse and physical abuse on people. I've also been a counsellor for people exiting cults and the descriptions and experiences they related would almost always be the same.

Does this in any way negate that fact that these "masters" had skill? No. Does this mean that they are the next Messiah or incorruptible by their emotions and desires? No.

The ability to transform energy so that followers can feel complete oneness with the universe does not in any way mean that a "master" or teacher is enlightened. Reaching these levels of skill does not even require that a person purify or achieve emotional mastery. It is simply a level of skill, and it is this skill that makes followers adore them.

A real master guides students to finding the unlimited source of power within themselves. A master who is truly dedicated to enlightenment is commited to purifying the emotions and ego cravings that arise simultaneously with the acquisition of power. A real master of enlightenment shows students how to realize that the truly "profound" does not exist in separation but in unity, in finding peace within the "mundane" or "ordinary." Unlimited power cannot be experienced if we are guided to only find them in limited situations.

Eric Pepin is taking the path that many other teachers have and are taking. Perpetuating the separation and division. This separation is how he receives adoration and praise and the perception from others that he is better and higher. If he guided people to understand that real enlightenment came from finding peace and understanding in every moment, no matter how mundane or "ordinary", then he would lose much of this "power." He would lose it, because people would find their own and heaven forbid that students see him as an equal!