I purchased his meditation system and I do like the music soundtracks quite a bit, the composer is quite gifted - and there's a lot of variety too: mellow, trip hop/electronica and fusion to choose from. I still use them, but his philosophy...

Then I purchased his book, and obviously he's a sci-fi nut - lot's of Star Wars and Matrix analogies and promises that, you are reading this book for a reason Navigator, join us Navigator! Honestly, he has developed a philiosophy (with a lot of Dogma), fine. But, anytime someone suggests his way is" the way," look out. Struck me as someone trying to start a religion or a cult, in a very obvious way. I finished the book and then tossed it in the trash, I wouldn't donate it to a thrift store as some poor soul might actually fall for this stuff - as in, the Dark side is trying to keep you from being enlightened, you must cloak yourself, you are a white cell (which is rare, as most of the regular earthlings are red cells - how good of him to convince you that you're special and extraordinary in some way (like everybody isn't already), hmm, wonder what he might want?). Come on. It also struck me as, how do I put it - lightweight, lacking real substance and intellectually unrigorous.

I had by this time purchased his manisfestation program, which promised to reveal profound secrets not found anywhere else - it was on sale, so ok. Now, if you've purchased any of Learning Strategies products you know just how well thought out and well produced they are. This would be the other end of the spectrum, shockingly amatuer - obviously not recorded in a studio, perhaps on a cassette recorder by the sound of it. Consists of a couple of followers asking questions to Pepin, who sounded in no way rehearsed, and his off the cuff responses all the time reminding the listener that he is enlightened in such a pompus way. Nobody without an ego orientation could possibly sound like such an egomaniac as he does in this lecture. I only listened to it once because I was seriously taken aback by it, I just couldn't believe they were serious with this thing - substandard on so many levels. And, what are the secrets to manisfestation? Read the Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale or watch the Secret, that is his system as well, with one minor difference - the gratitude step is replaced by, ask in humbleness. Oh boy, fell for that one!

He may be very charismatic in person. He seems to come from an obvious occult background, reminds me of books by Opheil I've read. But the whole good/evil thing is so old, such a trap. As usual, I recommend reading Jane Roberts' Seth books for a good dose of reality.

Now this is not to downplay your personal experiences, but they are your experiences. I think the documentary, "Fierce Grace" about Ram Dass is a good example of what a guru/student relationship should be, ideally. His teacher was truly enlightened, amazingly so, and what was his message? Love people and help people, because everyone is worthy. Pepin's is all about you and me and I and we're different, the Force and the Dark Side, paranormal experiences - alright already.