I'm locking this thread.

I'm all for free discussion. I don't see the benefit allowing this discussion to continue. Since it's not talking about the product and benefit of a product. And Higher Balance has their own website where this probably should be discussed with them..

I value your opinions but they are opinions and this can only add confusion to those who want to learn.

The products that are sold by the higher Balance people are available from their site. I encourage folks to look there for themselves and decide for themselves if that is something they wish to delve into.

Leaving this thread does not endorse the Higher Balance products it's a matter of personal opinion.

I'm locking this thread because I don't see the discussion as productive to the theme of this forum.

The forum is for beyond human to discus how we can grow as humans flowers grow with the aid of manure... too much kills them.

It's neither good or bad just thinking makes it so.
