Temporary blurred vision after PRing was normal for me. It should last less than 10 seconds. My eye shifts from divergent tgo convergent gaze very quickly now after over two years of practicing photoreading. If the blurriness in your eyes continue, it may be indicative of eye problems, that you MUST see a opthamologist about.

Regarding photofocus strengthening vision:
I am not a medical doctor, although I spent two years in a leading American medical school receiving honors grades. BTW: I may as well mention it as everyone always asks--- I gave it up because I preferred the counseling profession ( much more focus on proactively solving problems than the traditional medical reactive models of waiting for the need of Rx drugs and surgery to seriously deal with patients/clients). Vaibhav is correct on the emphasis on the rods and PV (peripheral vision) when photoreading, which is so much healthier for the eye than using the cones and CV (central vison) all the time. PV may allow you to discover you have a problem with blurred vision, that would not have revealed itself until too late using CV alone. If you have any concerns , and your blurred vision lasts more than ten seconds, I suggest seeing an experienced opthamologist to be on the safe side.

I have been in martial arts for over 30 years now, and have achieved high rankings in several styles. I know in martial arts training, traditionally, san gaze / aka photofocus ( divergent vision that allows you to see the blip page) does strengthen the eyes as Vaibhav stated. Thousands of years of stories from different martial art sects bear this out to be true. The Western mind does not understand san gaze (photofocus ) yet and I believe that is why it is so difficult for Paul Scheele's work to be accepted more readily. One day, however, Paul will probably be known as a great pioneer, like Barbier and Braille.

Last edited by raleigh199; 03/14/07 06:59 PM.