Thanks for the reply Debra,

I didn't mean to imply Marie's system was Black Hat, I know that it's not. I was just refering to the popularity of that system with what lots of people think of as Feng Shui in the West from such books as "Move your Stuff, Change Your life." Everyone I've come across who has a casual knowledge of Feng Shui asks about their relationship or money corner and have no idea a compass is used, or that best personal directions exist, in Classical systems of Feng Shui.

I think you're right that Marie has added techniques outside of other Feng Shui traditions that make it her specific form. I'd rather not comment more than that about New Age Feng Shui vs Classical Feng Shui, other than people who are considering purchasing the course should be aware of that debate. Some say a Laughing Buddha will help cure a negative star, others say it has no relevance (nor would any other item because they don't effect qi energy).

Debra, is it possible to answer the empty line question for me? It is kind of bothering me that I seem to be right on the cusp of North 1 and North 2, and what effect that might be having. I get a compass direction of 352 to 353 degrees, right in the empty line area. I believe that some mountains are worse than other's for this.

Thank you.