I am new to the Paraliminals and have been listening to Auto-Pilot and Positive Relationships but felt that Belief was going to address more specifically issues that I was focusing on... mainly the belief that I will always be rejected and therefore should guard myself and basically adhere to the 'fight or flight' mentality. That of course was easy to identify on side A of the Belief session...but yes on side B I have found it most frustrating to locate a 'good' memory when I'm travelling over my timeline. It is easiest for me to locate and remember the not so great memories. My memories of childhood have always been fuzzy at best. So..yes... any input or advice as to why its seems such a challenge to connect a past memory with the values and characteristics of being loved and accepted??

If so, Alex, could you explain a little further about your comment above on the conscious mind and the non-conscious mind?

Also have noticed that it is harder for me to relax during the Belief sessions and any 'dreams' during or afterwards are more vivid and sometimes angry.??