An odd question for you. What do you want to believe instead of

the belief that I will always be rejected and therefore should guard myself and basically adhere to the 'fight or flight' mentality

In the above I'm saying that we have conscious and non-conscious blocks that defend our beliefs. So consciously you won't find times that qualify as a good memory but the non-conscious mind is going to and at the same time it's going to honour any other beliefs you have got going like the one that says it has to be frustrating to find any good memories. So now the non-conscious mind does the best it can with the information but also serves to frustrate because you've come crashing into another limiting belief. That's why you experience anger too. you're running into walls of many beliefs that need to get out of the way to get the results you're after. As long as you haven't pinpointed the opposite belief you're going to have barriers

And to

guard myself and basically adhere to the 'fight or flight' mentality'

is not really a belief but a habit in action. I'd use the New Behavior Generator and use the Belief one when you can identify the opposite belief that you would like to have running. Like one that goes I always overeat... it's kind of obvious in most cases that is not entirely true, the individual does not always overeat therefore it stands to reason we will find evidence that on many many occasions the individual only eats enough to satisfy their hunger. Then the Belief Paraliminal is the one to use.

Another example. These Paraliminals never work for me.. well chances are you haven't used them a lot and you're probably zoning out listening to them so there is evidence your belief may not be entirely true so. You could use the Belief Paraliminal to say. Paraliminals give me fantastic results every time. Works for PhotoReading too.
