Hello RichardS! I am so happy for you that you got a chance to get acquintated with this wonderful DVD called The Secret. As you know by now, the Secret is the Law of Attraction - which is no secret really - but there is a Secret to always live in the circle of attraction which, in my opinion, The Secret DVD failed to mentioned - and which I learned from other teachers subsequently and am sharing with you, hoping that you will pass the knowledge onto someone else. This is definitely one of the steps "pay it forward!"

Your question

Does anyone know maybe the brainwave associated within becoming in sync with the universe? Or maybe the hz? If someone finds out exactly what is the best possible brainwave associated with it then people could use something called brainwave entrainment!

Yes I know! I got it, I have it, I listen to it every single day and night (although I don't have to). That secret is THE SECRET OF UNIVERSAL MIND from Brain Sync - it is inspired to Uelle S. Anderson's book THREE MAGIC WORDS - now you tell me what those three magic words are? You got it! Law of Attraction! Although, others will tell you their own interpretation of Three Magic Words, and since I have not read the book and have relied 100% on Kelly Howell's (Brain Sync) excerpts of U.S. Andersen's book, I deduced that those three magic words are LAW.OF.ATTRACTION!

How do you get into the "state"? Here is what I am doing and although I have not manifested anything tangible, I have noticed people and things around me seem different - like more caring, loving, accepting and ALLOWING! Just last night, I was thinking how I also have so much more confidence in myself - where before, I would always second guess myself thanks to the labels people would attach to me "She is weird" "She is whacko" "she doesn't know what she is doing" "who is she *snigger*" "she is a biatch" "how can anyone tolerate her" and on and on and on ... and on and on! It came to a point where I was believing everything they were saying to me as true - I was changing myself to be - what they perceived of me and then one day, a friend gave me tapes of Brain Sync and Learning Strategies and voila - I love myself and people around me, at least like me more than they used to if nothing else!

I am sad to say, that since I got a hold of The Secret -Universal Mind from Brain Sync, I stopped using ALL other the tapes - including Learning Strategies - this because I wanted to be 100% sure which ones work on me and how long the effect would last.

Last December, around Christmas, I was ready to 'run away from life' because of work situation - I found 100% support from this forum with genuinely caring people (sad to say, they are better than my counsellor/therapist). So stay in touch with some great people at this forum to stay in state!

So anyway ... what do you need to do to get into the "state"? I don't know your situation so am only listing what I did and do every day to stay in the state. Pick and choose, that, which is appropriate for you but please - step #1 to 5 are NON NEGOTIABLE! You MUST do them if you want to succeed!

1. Make a decision you ARE going to change your life ONCE AND FOR ALL!

2. Promise yourself NO MORE LIES! There are billions out there who would be happy to lie to you about who you REALLY are - so why are you teaming up with losers like that? Don't lie to yourself. Stay 100% loyal and honest and do everything you need to, to keep your promises to yourself.

3. BE GRATEFUL! See the good, even in the bad, and state gratitude! Thank you God, Thank you Universe for sending these (label experts) people into my life - because of them, I am a stronger, smarter, wiser and a happier person today!

4. Meditate! Even if it is 5 minutes to start with (if you are like me and can't sit still. After a while, it gets better). Tapes from Brain Sync will HELP you meditate at first but promise yourself to slowly and gradually meditate in total silence.

5. GIVE to RECEIVE! This is where my system of PAY IT FORWARD comes in. Whether it is knowledge, a compassionate smile, a caring look, a shoulder for someone to cry on or money to charity - you MUST give to receive. What goes around, comes around so make sure your output is positive and the input will be too! Like attracts like - so if you give someone a gift of your wisdom, someone wiser (as in more successful) than you will return the same in kind!

Of course there are other things too - sadly, the vision board, which I was so excited about, does not make to my top 5 list - however it does make it as #6. Create a vision board as mentioned in the DVD. Be sure not to be GREEDY and put only that, that YOU want - go to YouTube and watch Danny A's vision - that should give you an idea - he is totally in it to be financially abundant but the main ingredient in his video, you will see, is that he wants to do FOR THE WORLD, FOR HIS FAMILY and IN FAITH and RELIGION.

I stay in state 12 hours a day by listening to Abraham's audio books. Ask and It is GIven. The Art of Allowing. Read Wallace Wattles Science of Getting Rich book which started it all - although now I forget who started it all - was it Napoleon Hill with his Think and Grow Rich or Wallace Wattles with Science of Getting Rich - either way, experience both books. Napoleon Hill has his book in audio format - you might want to listen in car on your way to and from work.

If you have access to the Internet always (as in no dial up) then visit You Tube and search Michael Losier - he is another one of the great gurus of LOA - I prefer him over Bob Proctor and Lisa Nichols (don't ask me why, I don't know!).

My favourite teachers in order
1. Abraham through Esther Hicks
2. Michael Beckwith (listen to his INCREASING LIFE video at you tube)
3. Joel Osteen (just so you know, I am not a Christian by faith!)
4. Anthony Robbins - He got me started in LOA although I did not know it
5. Kelly Howell, Brain Sync - her tapes have turned out to be, for me, more precious than any treasure out there!

It's a 24/7 committment. Even when in sleep, you have to promise to resonate in sync with your dreams, wants, desire and goals. Kelly Howell helps you there by whispering the LOA in your ears while you sleep!

Good luck!

Last edited by decision2change; 04/07/07 02:22 PM.