
well isnt gratitude simply an emotion that is created with your brain

Well, actually, no gratitude isn't SIMPLY an emotion created with the brain. I think gratitude begins with a mental recognition of a degree of happiness within someone, but sometimes/probably most of the time you have to EMOTIONALLY push yourself toward that recognition first.

For instance, one of the best ways to get yourself out of the "Oh dear, how sad/deprived I am" situations, is to start searching for things happening in your life that have had value for you. Depending then on the "feeling good" emotion you derive from that value, you then raise your own vibration at the FEELING level. This FEELING then evolves into a stronger EMOTION called gratitude. Feeling is the inside job - gratitude is when feelings burst through the surface into outer expression.

The brain is involved to the extent of being able to bring forward the memories of things that have made you feel good, but it's the EMOTIONS themselves that move you into gratitude.

As to measuring this, unless you plan to hook yourself up 24/7/365 to an EEG, it's unlikely you'd have the ability to measure and get the "exact" brainwave - besides gratitude is not so much "quantitative" as "qualitative" - and the "output" then will be variable depending on just how much emotion is directed toward something. Even within yourself, you can probably see that sometimes certain things will affect you more at certain times, then at other times. There are so many variables that go into this, that it is highly unlikely that you would ever have two exactly the same episodes of gratitude. Therefore, very little chance that you'd get an identical reading. In order to truly know that a certain frequency is "gratitude", you'd have to achieve that identical frequency more than once, and probably many times, to identify it as THE correct frequency. And it would be different for everyone.

At least that's how I see it.
