
I was just thinking about what I said earlier regarding the 'state' in which you become in sync with the universe. Does anyone know maybe the brainwave associated within becoming in sync with the universe? Or maybe the hz? If someone finds out exactly what is the best possible brainwave associated with it then people could use something called brainwave entrainment! Basically you could force the state immediately through the use of particular tones or sounds generated. This means that you could with a little practice..get something you wanted a lot faster!! PLEASE!! Lets try to figure this out!!

You could use various means (tapes, light/sound machines, etc.) to reach a certain brain wave state, but remember, the key to all of this is your own thoughts. And, if you watch the DVD closely, you'll see that emotion is also involved. Hard to manifest anything if you don't feel a sort of passion or emotional desire for whatever it is.

I also have Decision2Change's favorite by Kelly Howell, but I am not as fond of it as D2C is. I really don't like sleep learning things--I can't sleep with something in my ears! But that's me, and perhaps you can try it--it might do the trick for you.