EEGs and frequencies- my intelect is delighted with that, but some things belong to the feeling realm.

You are making it all too complicated, IMHO. The only thing that gets those high frequencies is gratitude- and the way to get that is the simple act of being grateful! Simple, yes, and it may take some effort to get into the habit.

I tried Kelly's recording. The content is sound, but I was not falling asleep with it after a few nights, so I stopped.

Another part of the formula, for me, anyways, is when my wants/wishes are in alignment witht he universe...then there is syncronicity. So when I am not totaly selfish for example, and when my wants are ecological to put it in NLP terms. When that is not so, I bump into life alot, or it bumps into me. There is a spiritual rudder at work, letting me know when I am in tune or not.
