The reason I originally developed the Paraliminal technology was to avoid the very thing you mentioned. When you submit to being changed without your ability to know what is being said or used...have you really gained anything? You do so at the cost of being able to choose. For me that wasn't acceptable. I believe that we are better off when we can learn, consciously and nonconsciously, how to gain more choice and guide our lives to the successes we desire.

You asked:

How can this be avoided, it was not some unknown, small, strange company, besides Bantam published it? Surely there has to be international standards imposed on products like this, to protect the consumer? What steps can be taken to avoid this? How do you know you're not listening to rubbish?

It is a consumer beware marketplace. You can't even ask for the list of suggestions on subliminals because they will tell you "If you knew them consciously it would negate the subliminal effect because you would argue with them at a conscious level."

I don't buy that. I think you can get better results when you know and AGREE TO the suggestions you are receiving. If you would argue with them, maybe they aren't worth stuffing in to your head.

I know LS is the best, but what steps does Learning Strategies take to avoid creating tapes that cause dysfunction?

Thanks for the kudos. We work very diligently to script only positive and constructive suggestions and test them out with the team involved in production.

In the case of the Natural Brilliance Protocol Paraliminals (found in a few of our courses), I purposefully use "negative" suggestions to fire off the oscillations necessary to create the positive change. Even these "negatives" are merely statements of past facts that—once surfaced—can be opened and the energy stored in them directed for positive outcomes. This is the mental equivalent of the martial art Aikido, where there is no attack, only the use of the attacker's energy to disable the attacker and reason with him.

You can use all the Paraliminal products with confidence that they will guide you to find and use resources already available within you.