Hi Jeanne and Unis,

Have you checked out the source website. It does seem to be genuine with a specific concern regarding alternative therapies.

As I said I do not live in the USA but I do trust the person who sent me the Email. I cannot comment on US laws but I do know that the UK government has been making various noises about a very similar strategy. I note that it is at the stage of consultation/ guidance which presumably means that it has not yet begun the legislative process.

On reflection if they did try to ban hands on healing that might affect some religions too, so I can't see that one getting very far. However the vitamins, minerals and herbals bit is something that is easier for Governments to legislate against.

I normally don't go in for protest and petition type stuff but this seemed to be so punitive and draconian that I felt it warranted some sort of action.

I would appreciate if you would keep me up to speed on this if you find out anything further.

Many thanks
Love and light