Hi everyone,

Here's 2 more cents. The Health Care industry is a very powerful lobby and has been at work for years to exclude any alternative therapy from our midst. They have a huge investment in (for instance) radiology equipment, and hospitals specializing in heart surgery . I expect that they will go to any length to protect their investment and investors from competition. In 1973 the FDA attempted to put most vitamin supplements on prescription. Around 1900 Traditional medicine debunked osteopathy, (now a recognized field in medicine) as quackery.

The drug companies are deeply involved in actions, that are not in our best interest. . The Sergeants benevolent Association of New York City recently fired their health care manager. The reason? He was receiving kickbacks from drug vendors for contacting the members -physicians and getting them to add unnecessary drugs to their patient's drug regimins. It's hard to find anyone anywhere who isn't taking prescription drugs for some "chronic" condition. Drug companies, I believe, would like nothing better than to restrict the availibility of alternative medicines.

We need to keep our eyes open and watch each other's backs. Freedom of choice has never been the goal of traditional medicine. Any proposal setting guidelines or regulation should be viewed with suspicion.