The website from which this originates, and the organization the runs it, Natural Solutions Foundation, is legitimate. I do not know her personally, but I have seen Dr. Laibow speak on the CODEX issue and its grim implications for health freedom in the US and the world. It is my understanding that she shut down a lucrative Westchester County NY medical practice to devote herself to the cause of educating lawmakers and the public on CODEX. She has flown all over the world to do so over the past few years. If you go to the site, you will see that the Natural Solutions Foundation is a non-profit organization so you can donate to the cause.

Please note that I am not connected to, Natural Solutions Foundation or Rima Laibow. I am just a concerned citizen who has been following the CODEX issue for the past couple of years and appreciate all the personal and financial sacrifices Dr. Laibow and her husband have made to (hopefully) protect our health freedoms.

A lot of CODEX sounds so ridiculous that its easy for the public to discount it wholesale. This is a global issue. I may be totally wrong on this but I think some CODEX measures have already taken effect in Germany, making vitamin supplements we take for granted in the US very very expensive and only available through a doctor's prescription.

Regardless, please do your own research on CODEX - it's not a lie and it doesn't look like it's going to be going away.

Last edited by nanina; 04/10/07 05:34 PM.