This (below) will get you started. It's a fairly complete process (basically taken from the NLP course I took over the past week), and if you stick with it, the results will amaze you. Allow yourself about an hour at a time to work on this, and come at it with a relaxed, semi-meditative state.

So taking three or four of the most important issues you have there (basically print out your list and mark up the sheet - don't second guess yourself - just dive in and do it), choose one to start with, and one at a time ask yourself the following questions. Either have someone who will just listen, and perhaps help ask the questions at the appropriate time to help you, or record your answers or write them out (recording is actually better, because you can then listen to what you've said). Write or say the first thing that comes to mind, this time around.

1) What do you want?
    a) Stated in positive terms
    b) Be specific - describe in terms of See - Hear - Feel
    c) Break it down into chunk size, if necessary.
2) What will that do for you? (specifically)
3) How will you know when you have it?
4) How will this affect other aspects (or people) in your life?
5) What stops you from having this already?
6) What resources do you have already that will help you obtain your outcome?
7) What additional resources do you need to obtain it?
8) How are you going to get there?
    a) First step. Be specific and achievable.
    b) Is there more than one way to get there?
Once you have all of this information, it should be clear to you why you're not taking action presently, and it should also help you to move into action. Most people stop before they get started because they overwhelm themselves with a false perception that the task is too huge or they are lacking in some capacity to get the job done. These questions should have eliminated those two ideas.

Then use the information you've gleaned from your own mind to clearly set your intentions with the paraliminals. You'll probably see which ones will do the job better as well, by using the process.

Good luck, and let us know how this works for you.
