If you're stuck on figuring out what you want, how to plan and then decide that to do I suggest you take a look at the Clear Mind Bright Future course.

It's a goal setting course that for want of putting it succinctly helps you get your life priorities straight and create a plan of action for the year and then what you're going to do for the next 30 days. It isn't a short term goal setting thing either. It helps you look at 5 and even 10 years down the track.

Most of what I see in your post shakurav are terrific ideals that need to be mapped out in a fashion of priorities. Then you can start using the Paraliminals and any other tools you might have to build the dream.

Learn more about Clear Mind Bright Future here.

And I know I sound like I'm marketing it. That's because it was that course that gave me direction. I too had ideals dreams and hopes and not able to work out how to make them reality because I didn't know where to start and felt overwhelmed. I got to use the course before it was released and since I've first used Clear Mind Bright Future I've found a path in life.
