Thank you so much again for all this wonderful advise!

Nanina, Im going to break the habit of stepping onto the scales every morning, because I realise that it is such a destructive habit for me and controls my life so much. I am asking a friend to keep them for me for a long while. Also, I will be listening to my TRN's while I mark.

I am setting my alarm half an hour early now in the mornings and listening to one of the paraliminals, as well as in the evenings, so all that will have started to kick in as well.

SteveBCA, you are absolutely correct, part of my issue is also about unwanted attention from men. As a teenager, I got alot of attention and enjoyed it, but because of my cultural background, and mostly my parent's attitude, I couldnt do much with this attention - I knew my parents wanted to arrange my marriage, and they did. My marriage was to someone from another country, lots of cultural differences there, and it got so bad that we are now separated but he keeps wanting me back, we have a child together as well. I know that my weight issues are to do with keeping him away from me ( being fat = unattractive) as I somehow cant stand up to him. This inability to stand up for myself stems from my childhood - controlling parents who still to this day treat me and my brothers as small children.

There, I've said it, my main core issues. I am listening to Belief and considering these. One thing I know is that I have got to get to grips with these emotional issues before I can successfully lose and keep the weight off. Using the paraliminals and the sound advise I have received, I am hoping that this is the last time I have to lose such a great amount.

Here begins my great journey!