Hey Scooter, thanks!

Its true, its the healthy foods that are nutrient dense which are better for you. I have been studying food diets, and Weight Watchers have one where you can cook what you want from a list of mainly natural ingredients, then eat as much as you want in any one sitting, there being 3 sittings a day with 2 snacks from a list between them. This is directly the same principle what you are saying, natural healthy foods eaten as much as your body needs will help your body to get back to it's natural weight.

What I think is happening in western society these days, is that due to stress, lonliness, keeping up with the neighbours etc, we use food for comfort eating too much and especially to compensate for feelings or memories we would rather not face. At these times its the rubbish foods that we prefer, the ones with empty calories.

That's been my issue, I know what I should be eating, but when I dont want to face a certain feeling, I will stuff up with rubbish food so I think about the uncomfortable feeling in my distended stomach rather than the actual feeling, and then of course, the original feeling has gone by the time my stomach has digested the food... But I am working on it now, and a week after listening to Ideal Weight and New Behaviour Generator, I can feel that my dress is just that slightly bit looser - not as tight as it had become. Of course what has helped is that my car broke down and has been in the garage all week and so I decided to walk to work and back instead, that's 1 hour altogether every day.

Point being, that any diet must be complemented by an exercise routine as well. Again, I have been doing alot of research on this and it seems that every day a new barage of information becomes available. Seems that interval training is the way to go, rather than long durations of aerobic activity. Pilates and similar routines are good for lengethining muscles, but, I must say I have become apple shaped - a rather large waist line, not too good for the old ticker. The work I did with EFT showed me it was about all the feelings I have been "stuffing" inside me rather than expressing. Any suggestions out there for me on the best way to reduce this? It has always been my dream to have an hourglass figure.....