
I've been on the site before, made a few posts but really I was dabbling with Photoreading. However since that I've done my NLP practitioner course which helped me become very comfortable with working with my unconscious.

Consequently this helped me "get" what was happening with PR, so I returned to the PR learning course and yesterday I PRed a book that interested me, using disk 7 as a guide (this helps me to forget the details of the process and just enjoy myself).

After developing mind probing questions and then an excellent mind map in only 10 minutes, I asked myself "which is the most important page in this book?"... the number 75 came in yo my head, which absolutely was the most most relevant page to me given my purpose for reading the book.

Thought I'd share that with you all. Reinvigorated, I aim to PR 3 books a day to reduce the time it takes to get me in to the accelerated learning state.
