I have photoread (steps one through three) about 25 in one day, recently, after a long hiatus of not doing any photoreading. I felt a bit restless when it was time for bed but other than that it seemed to work out okay. Working on the books the next day I could tell that I had indeed photoread them.

I have post-processed 10 books in one day, but my activations are quite targeted. I don't have the objective of having each book gel in my mind. I'm happy to get what I want, spending a fraction of the time to get it. Authors really don't know what their ideal contribution is to each reader; most of us probably don't need most books to gel completely, so, I'm in favor of 'partial activation' if you will.

I suppose if I had to become able to discuss or quote a given work in detail, from memory, I'd do a syntopic session in that book's field, and then concentrate on activating the one book.

I could probably post-process more than ten books in one day. It doesn't make me tired.