Hi Aquacast;

Before starting Holosync several years ago I had listened to Zygon/Mindtek stuff for about 15 years or more. Their's was in the alpha/theta range and in that time only a few they offered went into Delta. I did these CD's mainly because at the end of the day it really help relieve stress.

This early experience with Binaural Beats seemed to help prepare me for doing the Holosync Levels and having all the experiences that Bill Harris has written about.

I was introduced to Holosync through "Tools for Wellness" and pretty much scoffed at the idea when told how good it was. Although Delta was new territory for me and "Let's see if these guys really walk the talk."

As I am now completing Purification level 2, it has been a pretty wild ride at times and I almost threw in the towel when it has. Level 4 Awakening was a pretty smooth ride but I did notice that the way I dealt with daily stresses was alot more pleasant when it was completed. Something was really different in a good way.

If you are not getting any of the results then possibly it could be related to the quality of equipment you are using. It is worth it to get the best headphones you can afford.

Another suggestion is to listen to some of the alpha/theta CD's by Holosync or LSC during another time of the day to help your brain relax and just enjoy the BB's. They do not place as near as much stress on you.

One of my good friends has compared BB technology to training wheels and that at some point you should be able to do whatever brainwave you want without sound.

I personally don't receive any advertisement or e-mails from Holosync or Bill any longer and like it that way. It is a full time job to do the Holosync program with no distractions. I call them once a year to get the next level sent to me.

Best of Luck
