Hi D2C:

Have you given some thought recently to why you feel so driven to listen to Abe, use Brain Sync, and all the rest of the things you are doing with the LSC CD's and courses? How does all of this fit in with your very sensitive nature? Your life goals?

You've asked some very good questions here, and I think you also already have many of the answers, but you're also very fearful of looking at them, and seeing where they lead, because doing so will probably set you even farther apart from people (at least temporarily) than you've even been so far in your life. That, too, is a self-perception - it doesn't necessarily reflect the true reality of what is out there for you.

As a channeler myself, I have to say I was somewhat shocked by your aversion to "speaking to dead people" - actually it would be speaking "for them", most of the time, but certainly the other would come into play as well. To me, this is a privilege, certainly not a curse!

The holosync embedded in the LSC CD's is not strong enough to produce these results on its own. Most sensitive people fail to recognize their "psychic" natures, and perhaps believe wrongly that this is something to be avoided at all costs. This is unfortunate, because they do end up putting themselves in the hands of doctors that don't recognize these developments for what they are, and end up being diagnosed with "conditions" that they don't really have. I know this from personal experience. My GP, also with a "shrink" degree, attempted to label me as bi-polar and schizoid, just because I have the ability to channel, and because my "world view" didn't agree with her very narrow view of life. I was depressed, for very legitimate reasons, and hypnosis, NLP, paraliminals and using Holosync have made a huge positive difference in my life - in fact, I got my life back! I didn't take the advice of the GP, and spend months sitting with a "shrink", or in group therapy (where they put you when they cannot solve your "problem"), and on drugs to supress what was naturally happening. That's the fate of most people who approach the medical community with the questions you are now asking.

If what is happening frightens you, get in touch with others that have moved through these experiences - they are the ones who can help you the most. (If you need help in finding them in your area, click into my web-site and write to me, and I'd be happy to help you to find them).

If you just absolutely don't want to continue opening these channels of development for yourself, stop doing what you're doing, and most likely, all the things that you are frightened by will also cease. I'd say the first approach will, in the end, be the better one to chose, though, because doing the latter will only delay your own spiritual development. We are meant to evolve - it's in our nature.

Certainly, not every one channels, and no one is going to force you to do that, if you find it that repulsive of a notion. But do you, really? Reading/listening to Abe at bed-time, so that you are opening yourself to those energies, shows that at least a part of you IS comfortable with the concept of it, if not the actual experience. Something for you to think about.
