UNIS - what do you mean channel by phone?

Speaking of phones, tell me if this means anything. For a very long time, my phone would ring around 3:00 am every morning. When I would answer, there would be no one on the other side except for static. The first few morning I thought I had dreamt it - but then when it persisted I spoke to my mom and she didn't know what it was. So I got fed up and removed my land line! I don't have a land phone anymore, just a cell phone.

Soon after I removed the land line, I would simply wake up at 3:00 am! I thought that because the phone got me used to waking up at that time, I would automatically wake up at 3:00 am but after a while, I stopped.

Many a times today (not as often as I used to), I will wake up at 3:00 a.m. And I will be upset with myself and say "I bet you it's 3:00 am!" And sure enough, I would look at the clock and it would be 3:00 a.m. Then I would feel the presence and get spooked and go back to sleep with some loud noise playing.

One time, my fan (air fan) simply shut down on its own at 3:00 am! I had to get up and turn it on again and watched it and it stayed on.

Does this mean anything?