
It's interesting that you're reporting things happening at 3 am.

To the superstitious, this is typically when demons will attack people. Demons supposedly have a sort of blasphemous and campy sense of humor and thumb their noses at God in a variety of ways. 3 am at night is supposed to represent the inverted trinity, and it's when they like to play.

You've seen The Possession of Emily Rose, right? I remember that in The Amityville Horror that the really bad stuff would happen at 3:15 am. But all that is just fiction.

Really, it just sounds like you've created a pattern for yourself.

Getting woken up at 3am by a phone call is something unusual, and any normal person would think and wonder about it. I've been able to get myself to wake up without an alarm clock by merely thinking about waking up at a certain time, or expecting to.

I think what you've done is gotten hooked by some perfectly normal but coincidental events and have established a pattern of thinking and behavior, that's all.