
I can only share how I am able to achieve my desires and goals. What I have learned is that you have to believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt!. If you really really really want that what you desire, then you have to stick to your guns and not waiver no matter how impossible it seems.

I don’t know how old you are but if you know anything about the British ex-prime minister Margaret Thatcher then you need to become steadfast in your beliefs like her. She, when people did not agree with her, would say “they are wrong!” As much as the foes hated that about her, she was admired by many for staying true to her beliefs.

What I am trying to say is –
1. you need to know what you want. [100% sure]
2. Write it down
3. Follow through – no matter what the obstacles, follow through!

Of course, you are allowed to change your action plan to manifest your goals, this means reviewing and changing that, which is not working – but the essence here is to want it bad enough you can taste it!

Proper way to visualize? Yes of course. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath again and start painting your Picasso in your head! You don’t have to sweat it. We all have natural visualizing ability – we only struggle with it when we try too hard.

Close your eyes right now. Think of Angelina Jolie. Did you see her face in your mind? It is that easy! So don’t sweat it. Relax and start photographing or painting.

I find Instant Personal Magnetism and New Behaviour Generate help me visualize effectively because of the role model script within.

Good luck!

Last edited by decision2change; 07/10/07 05:07 PM.