
I'm too on CRI's H/S program and currently on AL4.4. (P 1has
already arrived and I will start with it in a few month)
I purchased the whole program right at the beginning because
of the bargain price. It really is a bargain price compared to
most other systems such processing/therapy, Avatar or ESP
Also I have done some scientology type processing trainings in the
past, I consider H/S better because its a lot cheaper and works deeper. (Note: I have never been in Scientology but have been
trained by ex-scientology members)

I had some overwhelm symptoms until now but it was never
very strong or as dramatic as many others reported.
Actually, after I purchased the retreats CD's I realized
that I had indeed quite a few overwhelm symptoms but
seldom bothered me.

There were a few instances when it was quite strong. Then
I phoned my processor and I had a session on the phone.
The tech is called Mental Imagery Processing and works fast
and it is reasonable priced.
For the last six month, I am also using the
Sedona Method to release. It took me about
a month to make the Sedona Tech a habit but
it works now on automatic.

(I used the tape from the Euphoria Product as well)

However at the last leg of AL4 I have noticed that a childhood handicap which had been "solved" came up again.
It is lisping. Now, I don't claim that H/S causes lisping and I see
it as a typical overwhelm symptom which eventually will go away.

The greatest success so far is more an inner feeling, namely
that I feel much more secure.
