hey guys,
this is my story- ive done the home course twice, read the book and im pretty sure i know the steps fluently but i never really applied myself to photoreading practically because i couldnt really relate to the activating step of superreading/dipping/mindmaping, what i really wanted to do was photoread then go over everything consciously. i cant believe i missed it this whole time but i picked up the book and read about rapidreading and if what i think about it is correct then it will open up a whole new world of photoreading for me. so photoreaders please give your opinion on the followings paragraphs, statements, guestions. thanks in advance

1.If i photoread the book i wanted then after waiting for it to incubate, went straight to rapid reading the whole book, would i still get the benifits of activating with the other methods which i dont like ie superreading etc? since i have the time is rapid reading every photoreaded book a benifiticial thing to do?

2. when it says in the book that to make activation spontanous photoread up to 10 books a day, is he refering to activating them aswell? or is just photoreading them by itself alright? this is for books that i photoread that i dont nessecerily need the information from

3. if i photoread a book then consciously read it as per usual, what would the results be like? better, worse, same, not much difference?

4. ok this question is the hardest: with purpose how specific/meaningful does it have to be? if i want to learn a language can i say for my purpose:"to build my vocabulary in this language...." or if i want to photoread for a test can i say "in order to know the ifnroamtion to pass a test" or can it be general like "in order to know the information in this book." The backup purpose that paul says in the home learning course "in order to learn the mechanics of photoreading," can i use this every time for learning?... or lastly can i say "to practise photoreading"
im trying to get a feeling of what kind of purposes are acceptable for photoreading to be effective.

i know these are a lot of questions that require long answers but please if you have time answer them or any of them that you can. thanks a lot!

Last edited by tempo; 08/12/07 11:45 AM.