I'm very concerned that you take 3 ibuprophen and 2 tylenol. this is not good. I don't know the mg of your ibuprophen, but mine usually say take 1. These over the counter is taken in quantities exceeding the directed amount can be harmful for your kidneys.

There are very good pharmaceuticals out now days that are not pain killers. You really don't even know you have taken anything and your migraine will go away. There is Maxalt (the group is called ripatriptans sp?).

I'm sure there are some other relaxation and natural remedieis, but please stop taking 5 over the counter pills at once.

I used to take 3 sudefed for mine bec I didn't want to go to a dr and didnt' know how great the medications are.

I really recommend maxalt. I think the other is called immuntrex.