
Is there a Level 3 Course available for purchase with DVDs and CDs?

A similar question was just asked recently (and it is a good question). It is still visible on the first page of the forum. It is entitled, "Levels 3 and 4".

Here is a shortcut to it:


Shawn's answer, there, is that Levels 3 & 4 are only taught in person and that they do not lend themselves to a home study course.

There are supplementary meditations CD's for those who have taken Level 3 and/or 4 over at the Spring Forest Qigong website.

I, for one, look forward to someday taking Level 3 & 4. Meanwhile, I still am focusing on Level I and though I have Level II home study, I have barely scratched the surface on that. So it may be at least a year or more before I come close to being ready for Level 3.

