Can anyone tell me how to proceed. I mean specifically.

I focused on my first creation, did the writing, seeing, feeling, and have been very clearn in that which I like to create. I read Loving What Is, and I completed all 8 of the Cd's. It is working. It took about a week, but many hours.

I would like to begin with my Second Creation, my concern is not to lose focus on the first, and be resonable i budgeting my time through the process.

Do I wait for complete manifisation of the first then move on to the second? Or do I just move on to the second, and do the CD's from the start, with the writing exercises. Or do not bother with the CD since I've learned them in the first.

I'm confused. But would like to use the tools for the complete 7 choices and succeed.

Can anyone tell me. The correct proceedured.
