While it is recommended to leave at least 20 minutes between each paraliminal, if you listen to Holosync first, I'd suggest leaving at least half an hour, to allow your brain to cycle back up to normal levels. Otherwise you may find yourself very "spacey" going into the paraliminal. Some people have also reported head-aches if they listen too close together in that order.

Moving from the paraliminal directly to the Holosync is less of a problem, because you are not as deep in level with any of the paraliminals as you are with the Holosync, generally. You may find it initially bumpy going in, but if you are a brave soul and don't mind a few energy spikes, you may even find this beneficial, as it allows the mind more time to work with the information on the paraliminals, before re-exposing it to "normal" stuff coming through. I'd still advise leaving at least 10 or 15 minutes, though, time enough to get up, move around, have a glass of water, etc. Having the water is especially important, as the endorphin levels rising with either of Holosync or paraliminals tends to dehydrate a person.

The one caveat here is that it may also excelerate the stuff arising from the subconscious that happens with Holosync, but if you are good at letting things go, or as Bill Harris says, just letting it be OK, it shouldn't be a major problem. If it does kick you into overwhelm, well, then you know not to repeat that experiment, I'd say.

Another short comment I'd like to make, though, is that people tend to think if they don't follow the exact instructions on everything, they might damage themselves. While certainly, if you became abusive, as one might do with a drug, then you might do that. But if you occasionally do a little more of this or that, as long as you monitor your tolerance levels to see what you can do without discomfort, then you'd be surprised that occasionally these little "experimentations" take you into new territory, with sometimes very interesting and pleasant results. The programs are set out for the "norm" of people who might use them. Long-time meditators and those familiar with hypnosis and/or other "mind-ware" might find the "norm" is a bit "tame".

