Hi Hoss

Well you obviosuly want to become that new improved person that you want to be happy and content with, and the good news is that person is allready there!, its you! you just have to unleash the power within, and become just you, you have to stop acting and get off the stage and just be you.
Since the day you were born you have picked up certain beliefs about yourself and the world around you whcih is o.k as we did not know any better at the time, but as time moves on you realise that these beliefs is not what you want and that is the best step you can make to becommoing that new improved you, by realising and admitting your pain of who you dont want to be you can now start re-programming yourself.
What is excellent is that you can become that person you want to be becasue he is allready there you just have to work on letting him be himself.
Unfortunataly many of us keep affirming negative affirmations where we let our reality of negative thoughts override us and thus become just that. Your sub-conscious dose not know the diference between dreaming and reality so you have to make your beliefs and what you want to be more emotional and vivid than your current reality by positive and constuctive affirmations,thus re-programing your sub-conscious, do some research on how to make and understand affirmations and use that along with you Personal megatism tape.
I also reccomend that you read a book called Psycho-cybernetics by Mathew Malts, its about changing your self image, visit the site www.psycho-cybernetics.com they also have a 12 week course one can do which has a 90 day money back gaurantee, I would reccomend reading the book first to see what it is all about.

All the best

To Your Health and Success
