Please punctuate your sentences. Seriously. Periods and commas help people read and comprehend what you've written, and people are more likely to help you if they can readily understand what you're trying to communicate. Punctuation exists for a purpose. Use it.

It sounds like what you're describing up there is called 'motivation.'

There are a variety of techniques that are supposed to be able to let you call up states at will, such as learning "submodalities" in NLP and changing your mental representations of whatever it is you're thinking about so it motivates you. There are several books on NLP that will teach you about submodalities.

Another way is to notice how you sit or stand and move your body when you are unmotivated vs motivated and purposefully making your body move as if you were motivated.

It's my guess that you are doing something inside of your own head where you make a decision based on something that really motivates you at these times of shifting gears and punching the gas. Take some time to just notice what you are thinking and how you are thinking about it when you're shifting gears.

Are you thinking of a mental image? Or mental images? A mental movie? Are you talking to yourself a certain way? Hearing someone say something? Without learning anything about submodalities you can at least become aware of your own thought processes, and then this won't be such a mystery to you.

From reading what you have written, it sounds like you are motivated by seeking relief or whatever the idea that you "can go home" is for you. So perhaps you could focus on a condition where if you don't get x done then you can't get relief ("go home" or whatever it may be for you), but if you do do it you can.

I figure you can only make it go automatic when you get it done so many times in a conscious and purposeful way that it can just shift into habit mode in general, where it becomes second nature to you.

Last edited by babayada; 10/29/07 08:20 PM.