I have a great story about my 12yo son and "Talking to Win"

Dale has always been a unconfident talker and really only talked to his close friends and family, others that he has known for many years only get silence.
Also most often the things he said never really made sense usually very conceptual and abstract.
Dale would tell his older brother what he wanted to say and he was his spokesperson.
Earlier this year his class was preparing and doing a speech.
So I handed him talking to win and told him how to use it.
He did listen to it every day as he was going to sleep so usually listened to both sessions he did this for about 3 weeks.

He reported that he only felt slightly nervous during the speech and was confident throughout.
But the biggest benifit is the lasting one, now he is confident in all his communications with other people and we actually know what he is talking about!!!

He is like a completely different child.