
How different is the MotivAider from a normal kitchen timer for cooking? You pre-set it on so many minutes.... then again on the same after it goes off? I am sure kitchen timers are cheaper than MotivAiders. They are not as fancy though. The MotivAider can probably keep the pre-setting the minutes you decide for your motivational message to be repeated.

If you can find a kitchen timer that can a) use vibrations rather than sound, and b) can be set for random settings, at any interval from minutes to hours, and can have the vibrations be adjusted to various levels of intensity as well as lengths of "bursts", then that would be a kitchen timer to get.

There is actually a device like that called the "Invisible Clock" from Time Now Corporation. It seems to have even more functions than the MotivAider and can do some of the same things (I don't think it has the random function. That function would be good for a lot of motivating uses) and works on vibrations. It also works on one triple A battery (the MotivAider works on one double A battery). It is a little cheaper.

It has some postive reviews over at Amazon and elsewhere. There were a few negatives regarding the clock keeping time, which seemed to degrade over a period of a few years. This may have been an earlier model and I have inquired to the company last week. No response as of yet (e-mail and phone message).

I might end up getting both of them, since the Invisible Clock seems to be able to do multiple functions (and it can also be set to beep if desired).

Here is the site for the MotivAider which gives the complete low down.

And here is the site for the InvisibleClockII

