I am not using the Law of Attraction CD, but rather the Prosperity CD, which is around the same lines. I have only been listening to this one for about a few days, and one of my goals was to make a new friend with whom to travel with and shop, etc. (I have lived in this small town for 25 years, and I have met very few people I ever had anything in common with. This has indeed been a very lonely existance.) Anyway, I had already joined a new church to try my luck at new friendships, but I still was really feeling rather disconnected from these new parishoners. Well, last week I suddenly indeed met another lady who remarkabley "clicked" with me, and who shares most of my interests. Now, one of my other goals is to finally learn to drive a car (I'm 43!), and to get my full drivers licence, then eventually buy my own "Debbimobile". Since my new friend is also willing to allow me some driving practice with her car, I now feel so much more hopeful that most of my "dreams" will actually come true. If all goes well at this rate I will eventually own my own house (Chez Deb), successfully sell my still-life photography, and get the man of my dreams to live with me here in Canada. (I found him last year in Louisiana after I read Joseph Murphy's "Cosmic Power Within"). I have learned that one has to be very patient when using LAA, however, when the blessings do come, they sure fall out of the sky!

You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.