So, my energy number is "4" and North is my success direction ... in order to activate my success direction, it, I am supposed to put blue in that direction. Questions:

1) I was thinking of putting one of those blue lava lamps which is filled with bluish liquid and some wax which floats up and down when it gets heated... Would that be Ok for work ?

***If you place your activation card in the north of your bedroom, thats already covered (notice the shape, color, and number on the card). You'll do this in one place. The same goes with individual rooms - for example, if you want to activate health, you can do so by activating your personal"health" direction in your bedroom, and the general space feng shui health direction (Level One, P.13) in the Eawst of the home. Not all the East locations in each room. If you have kids in some of those rooms, they will want to activate their best directions in their rooms as well.

3) If I take measurements from the centre of the house, there is no clear East corner in my house.. the eastern side kind of falls on the side which has the kitchen and then the bathroom.. East is my relationship side as per my energy number '4' .. How do I decide which is the east corner of the house ?

You'll place your activation card for Relationship in the Easr sector of your bedroom, or if that is not feasible, the East of your living room.

It's not about finding an actual "corner" but where is that direction in your room, or house from it's center (remember that a direction such as North has a range to it, not just where the "N" points.

Much Love, Shawn